Helping Universities and Learners Keep Up with Industry Needs

An education and employability-focused social media platform

Photo by alex starnes on Unsplash
0 M+
0 +
Distinct job roles
0 +

Opportunities from the best companies in the world

Discover Ribara

Empowering 200+ million undergraduates, independent learners, and graduate students globally. Seamlessly connecting individuals and institutions, we ensure education aligns with industry demands, bridging the gap between academic excellence and professional success. Join us today.

Key Features

We cater to both individuals and institution

Job Readiness Tracker

Assess and track your job readiness.

Real-Time Curricula Analytics and Intelligence

Discover how your institution’s curricula is performing compared to specific industry job roles and prepare students for success in the ever evolving job market.

Join the Community

Connect with proteges, peers, career mentors and industry leaders and partners.

Employer Connections

Employers value our proficiency roadmaps, using them as a powerful tool to identify and select early graduates perfectly suited for their job roles.

Institutional Rankings for Job Preparedness

This valuable tool assists learners in making informed decisions about where to pursue their education

Ready to Get Started with

Ready to Get Started with Ribara?

Toggle the button below to switch between Individual and Institutional pricing









per month per program

Billed Annually




per month per program

Billed Annually




Track your job readiness for a role




When you invite five new users

Track your readiness for three different roles




When you invite ten new users

Track your job readiness for unlimited roles

Hear What People Have

Contact us

Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to connect, our team is ready to help. Feel free to reach out to us using any of the methods below:

Got Questions?
We've got some answers

Ribara is a curricula intelligent system that can help users (Institutions and Individuals) identify strengths and areas for improvement on the educational journey.

The system offers real-time curricula intelligence, learning content analysis and insights. Ribara tracks and shares industry trends and shifts relevant for prompt curriculum and learning content updates.

Tertiary institutions, faculty, students, early graduates, new role seekers.

Institutional users can get prompt curricula intelligence on each field of study, including gaps, strengths and what industry job roles its contents best prepare learners for.

Yes, there are opportunities and features to interact with industry partners on the platform and at Ribara events

Individuals (learners) can assess the strengths and weaknesses of a learning content relative to an aspired role.

Individual users can elevate their job readiness through our proficiency roadmaps

Find and connect with peers, mentors and protégés. Track and showcase proficiency improvements

Yes, there are industry experts happy to connect with you on Ribara.

Individual faculty members can use Ribara to update existing syllabus to meet up with industry changes with recommended books, articles, news, industry reports, skills, software packages and tools.

Yes, there are free and paid offers.